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Privacy Policy

Seneca Search is an app by Matt Schultz. Email: matt@matt.fyi. Website: matt.fyi.

What data is collected?

Search terms that you submit, and their results.

These are used to understand what users are searching for, so Seneca Search can be improved over time to give the best results. This is important because the quality of results from the underlying AI and algorithms can very a lot based on the data that is entered.

Anonymous page view analytics, including Country, Operating System, and Browse.

These are used to improve support for the devices users are using and the regions they are accessing Seneca Search from.

What service providers are used?


  • The hosting and analytics provider.
  • Saves anonymous page view analytics (no IP addresses or other PII).
  • Vercel servers are in the United States.


  • Receives search terms and uses them to Seneca Search's works.
  • Data is stored in the United States.
  • OpenAI servers are in the United States.


  • Receives errors, search terms, and results.
  • Rollbar servers are in the United States.

What cookies are used?

No cookies :) This includes Vercel's Analytics software.